Monday, 1 September 2014

Has the Apple's iCloud really been hacked?

"Celebrities' private photos have been hacked and shared on the Internet" is really today's big news. How did it happened? Did they all happen to lose their phones at the same time? Did all the phones happen to fall into the same person's hand at once? I don't think that's what has happened anyway.

Many have suggested that the photos have been shot and automatically saved on the Apple's iCloud. Somehow this person was able to access it and took those photos. The question is "has the iCloud been hacked?"

A lot of articles have agreed on the theory. But ... hacking the iCloud directly could not have been easy. Personally, I question whether the following had been done prior to getting into iCloud.

  • Is it possible that the hacker had got the usernames and passwords from somewhere else and used them on the iCloud?
Why is it that I seem to think that the above scenario could have been very possible? I even think that it might even have been easier to do the above than going directly to iCloud.

If this is actually what had happened, another security awareness must be raised. That is, people should know that password reuse is really not acceptable. Maybe the TOTP or Time-Based One-Time Password is an option.  ^_^

I am not praising Apple by any means. I am not even using any of their products at the moment. But I have seen and read every page of their security document, and I think they have their job in trying to protect the privacy of the users.

Just wanting to provide another perspective to this current and trendy news. ^_^

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